
Category biofilms


The Biofilm Resource and Information Database (BRaID)” project is a collaboration between the School of Computing, DePaul University, Chicago, Center for Biofilm Engineering (CBE), Gianforte School of Computing at Montana...


Hello this is the CoBaAB team!

Category genetics

ABR-PG: Sequence Resources for Cotton, A Model System for Allopolyploid Crops.

This project focuses on resequencing 506 accessions of cotton, including a broad representation of the commercially important allopolyploid (AD-genome) species G. hirsutum and G. barbadense, and related wild species representing...

Category phylogentics


Hello this is the Forest Project!

Category Pangenomics

Collaborative Research: Innovation: Pioneering New Approaches to Explore Pangenomic Space at Scale.

We propose to develop new software tools for pangenomic analysis. These tools make use of a graph based representation of a pangenome and exploit this representation to efficiently find both...

Category computer science

DeAngelo Wilson

DeAngelo is a Master's student actively researching in computational phylogenetics.

Category phylogenomics

DeAngelo Wilson

DeAngelo is a Master's student actively researching in computational phylogenetics.

Category computational phylogenetics

DeAngelo Wilson

DeAngelo is a Master's student actively researching in computational phylogenetics.

Comparing phylogeny by compression to phylogeny by NJp and Bayesian Inference

A paper submited to the BIBM2020 High Performance Computing on Bioinformatics workshop, regarding the computation of phylogenies using the Normalized Compression Distance.


A software package that is designed to be swiss-army like tool for creating and analyzing phylogenetic trees computed from genomic data.

Category phylogenetics

Comparing phylogeny by compression to phylogeny by NJp and Bayesian Inference

A paper submited to the BIBM2020 High Performance Computing on Bioinformatics workshop, regarding the computation of phylogenies using the Normalized Compression Distance.

Category phylogeny


A software package that is designed to be swiss-army like tool for creating and analyzing phylogenetic trees computed from genomic data.

Category software


A software package that is designed to be swiss-army like tool for creating and analyzing phylogenetic trees computed from genomic data.