DePaul Bioinformatics
An online portal for DePaul University Bioinformatics Research Contributions
Please bare with us while the site is under development.
Category biofilms
The Biofilm Resource and Information Database (BRaID)” project is a collaboration between the School of Computing, DePaul University, Chicago, Center for Biofilm Engineering (CBE), Gianforte School of Computing at Montana...
Hello this is the CoBaAB team!
Category genetics
This project focuses on resequencing 506 accessions of cotton, including a broad representation of the commercially important allopolyploid (AD-genome) species G. hirsutum and G. barbadense, and related wild species representing...
Category phylogentics
Hello this is the Forest Project!
Category Pangenomics
We propose to develop new software tools for pangenomic analysis. These tools make use of a graph based representation of a pangenome and exploit this representation to efficiently find both...
Category computer science
DeAngelo is a Master's student actively researching in computational phylogenetics.
Category phylogenomics
DeAngelo is a Master's student actively researching in computational phylogenetics.
Category computational phylogenetics
DeAngelo is a Master's student actively researching in computational phylogenetics.
A paper submited to the BIBM2020 High Performance Computing on Bioinformatics workshop, regarding the computation of phylogenies using the Normalized Compression Distance.
A software package that is designed to be swiss-army like tool for creating and analyzing phylogenetic trees computed from genomic data.
Category phylogenetics
A paper submited to the BIBM2020 High Performance Computing on Bioinformatics workshop, regarding the computation of phylogenies using the Normalized Compression Distance.
Category phylogeny
A software package that is designed to be swiss-army like tool for creating and analyzing phylogenetic trees computed from genomic data.
Category software
A software package that is designed to be swiss-army like tool for creating and analyzing phylogenetic trees computed from genomic data.